Hippo Direct Entrepreneurship Podcast Competition

Fall 2019 Winner Athena Panton
What is it?
The podcast industry is growing at an unprecedented rate and starting a podcast is easier than ever. But how do you stand out in the space and create a successful podcast? The Hippo Direct Entrepreneurship Podcast Competition is for college Entrepreneurship students to create the best business podcast concept. Are you up for the challenge?
Winners will receive a FREE podcasting package worth $1,000 – including a podcasting kit plus ongoing podcast coaching from Max Branstetter, Podcast Producer & Host of the Wild Business Growth Podcast. Brought to you by Hippo Direct, the team behind the Wild Business Growth Podcast and Direct Mail Mania (coming soon).
When is it?
Spring Semester 2020 (Applications due by Friday, 4/3/20, Winners announced Friday, 5/1/20)
Who can apply?
Any college Entrepreneurship student at an undergraduate business school in the U.S.
Fall 2019 applicants included students from the University of Pennsylvania, Seton Hall University, Michigan State University, Ball State University, and more.
Where can you apply?
Email Max now to get your competition entry form
What do you submit with your application?
- Business Podcast Name, Description, Format, Frequency, and Duration
- Episode Titles and Descriptions for the First 3 Episodes
- Podcast Artwork Concept & Rough Draft
- Sample Audio Recording – 60 Seconds or Less (Laptop Mic Quality Only)
What do the winners get?
A FREE podcasting package worth $1,000 – including a podcasting kit plus ongoing podcast coaching from Max Branstetter, Podcast Producer & Host of the Wild Business Growth Podcast. Podcasting package includes:
- (1) ATR2100 USB Mic
- (1) On Stage MY-420 Shock Mount
- (1) NEEWER Adjustable Boom Stand
- (1) Dragonpad 6″ Pop Filter
- 6 Months Credit – Libsyn 400 Podcast Hosting
- 30-minute coaching call with Max Branstetter every 2 weeks for 6 months

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