Nonprofit Organizations and Clubs

Comprehensive list which can be used to reach all US non-profit organizations and clubs. You can select by many characteristics of the charity, including: Organization Type, Asset Amount, Location HQ/Branch, Employee Size, and Organization Type.

To buy this mailing list of Nonprofit Organizations from Hippo Direct — or for current list counts and pricing — contact Andy Mills via email at or via phone at 855-447-7653 x701

Choose from these Types:
Agricultural Organization
Apostolic and Religious Org
Benevolent Life Insurance Assoc
Board of Trade
Burial Association
Business League
Cemetery Company
Chamber of Commerce
Charitable Organization
Civic League
Cooperative Hospital Service Org
Corp Financing Crop Operations
Credit Union
Domestic Fraternal Societies and Assoc
Educational Organization
Employee Funded Pension Trust
Fraternal Beneficiary Society, Order, Assoc
Government Instrumentality
Horticultural Organization
Labor Organization
Legal Service Org
Literary Organization
Local Association of Employees
Mutual Cooperative Telephone Co
Mutual Ditch or Irrigation Co
Mutual Insurance Co/Assoc Other Than Life/Marine
Org Like Three Preceding Lines
Org to Prevent Cruelty to Animals
Org to Prevent Cruelty to Children
Organization for Public Safety Testing
Other Mutual Corp/Assoc
Pleasure, Recreational, Social Club
Post/Org of War Veterans
Private Foundation
Qualified State-Sponsored Tuition Program
Real Estate Board
Religious Organization
Scientific Organization
Social Welfare Organization
State-Sponsored High Risk Health Insurance Org
State-Sponsored Workers Comp Reinsurance
Supplemental Unemployment Comp Trust/Plan
Teachers Retirement Fund Assoc
Title Holding Co for Pensions
Title Holding Corporation
Veterans Assoc Formed Prior to 1880
Vol Employees Beneficiary Assoc Govt Emps
Vol Employees Beneficiary Assoc Non-Govt Emps