Whenever you’re ready to order, tell us which names you want from the list, and what quantity desired. Then send us the following:
- Your message copy as both .html and .txt files.
- Subject line for your message
- Desired date and time of your transmit
- Email addresses of others at your company who should receive copy of actual message as it’s transmitted
- List of your opt-out email addresses (unsubscribes) which you want to suppress from the rented email list
After we’ve received all these items, we will order list and get your confirmed transmit date. Next, test messages will be sent to you for your approval. After test messages are approved, your message copy will be set for transmittal.
Then, two business days after transmit, you’ll receive a tracking report which shows the number of messages transmitted, and number opened, and number of clicks on each link in your message.
In meantime, a couple of items re the CAN SPAM law to consider while creating your messages:
* Message must include opt-out link to your company (list owner will also include opt-out link…the law says both advertiser and list owner must provide opt-out)
* The message must include your postal address. Most clients place this information at the bottom of their message in smaller font size. Here’s an example of how opt-out info should appear:
XYZ Company
1 Main St
Beverly Hills CA 90210
If you prefer not to receive emails from XYZ Company, send note to xxxxx@xyzcompany.com